More Nerf Tactics from Adam and Julian! This episode Adam and Julian talk about how to dejam a Nerf blaster and how to prevent it from jamming! Let us know what type of tactics you want to see next!
What about a retaliator with a stuck sled? an old one i have recently did that but as i said before, its old and it has had it’s stock pretty much fall off so i glued it back on. i’m pretty sure that its broke forever but i wanted your thoughts on this. have a nice day!
What about a retaliator with a stuck sled? an old one i have recently did that but as i said before, its old and it has had it’s stock pretty much fall off so i glued it back on. i’m pretty sure that its broke forever but i wanted your thoughts on this. have a nice day!
The LDS version of the bible text says, “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”