Comment Contest – Nerf Socom News 25

Adam and Julian start off the new year with News about NSN, announce a winner, and start off a new contest!

Check out the winner’s video!

Send us mail!:

Nerf Socom
PO Box 1774
Monument, CO 80132
United States


To see the rules and to enter the contest, go here:



  1. jack says:

    how many videos have you guys made in total

  2. Paula Alvarez says:

    Sup guys, I really like your videos, specially your nerf mods, it really helped me and my friend a lot. Anyways, I wanna say thanks. I have a pretty small nerf collection, so I’m really desperate to own an Elite XD Alpha Trooper. My email is [email protected] and I’m 16 years old.

  3. Julian says:

    Thanks for being awesome guy’s and please always stay awesome. God bless you.

  4. Comment for the Contest:
    Hey guys! I dunno if you’d pick me, but I just wanna let you know that I’m thankful for all the good content that you guys do. It inspired me to buy all the new nerfs I got. I saw the videos you guys made and it made me wanna buy a nerf, it’s the reason why I started collecting them. So, thanks guys, my email is [email protected]

  5. Adam Harith says:

    Stress Test is amazing!!! Can’t wait for more, especially the cycloneshock, I hope you’re doing a stress test on it!!

  6. Dylan Wong says:

    I love the stress tests! Can’t wait for you next stress test

  7. Daniel says:

    Have you guys ever had more than a hundred comments on one of your videos on your website before?

  8. derick says:

    Comment for contest:
    I think you should do a short were you have a Nerf war and one of you guys have a really big fast shooting gun with a bunch of clips and the other person has a gun with one dart like a jolt or secret strike.Then some how the guy with one darts wins.You come up with a name for it.

  9. Joey Liu says:

    Will you guys do a review on the XD alpha Trooper

  10. Adam Harith says:

    Awesome vid, I hope I win because….um….I’m INCREDIBLE….I think

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