Our 2014 Nerf Arsenal – Nerf Socom

Adam and Julian show their long awaited Nerf Arsenal. This is just the guns owned by Adam and Julian, as opposed to the entire Nerf Socom team’s arsenal, as shown in the last arsenal video. What do you think of our arsenal? Too big? Too Small? Too much Rebelle?



  1. Jonas Tjelta says:

    Should should get everyone in need socom to do one!

  2. Jonas Tjelta says:

    Love it but it you spent too much money

  3. Haider Alfahed says:

    I like this video it’s awsome

  4. Alex says:

    I wish that the blazing bow was sold in the uk.

  5. Will says:

    Sorry spelling mistake. How old are you guys?

  6. Will says:

    Also I am your guys biggest fan. I love the stress tests. Stress test the rhinoceros.

  7. Will says:

    The nameless gun is the hyperfire.

  8. Ilya says:

    Strees test n strike alpha trooper!!!

  9. Ilya says:

    In arsenal vidio2012!

  10. Ilya says:

    What, They have 4recons,4 longshots,5 hipefire

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