Elite Rampage Stress Test

Julian and Matthew are back with the next Stress Test. This time they see how much it will take to break the Elite Rampage. Leave a comment with what gun you would like to see and how you want it to be tested next!



  1. Alex Lai says:

    VULCAN but use a chainsaw on it

  2. WalkerHun4444 says:

    Porr Rampage!

  3. WalkerHun4444 says:


  4. james newman says:


  5. ian says:

    vulcan vulcan vulcan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. pixxelpie says:

    Do the Titan or the Mega Magnus

  7. Alex Lai says:

    Try the deploy cs-6 it’s a pretty bulky gun so u can do the car test and see if u can do a voltage test on the flashlight

  8. Michael heckman says:

    you guys seem a little down. microwave a retaliator

  9. I live in monument colorado too says:

    Poor Adam!!!! I think a really cool one would be the quick-16

  10. nerf Simpson says:

    I think you should do the styfe

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