Adam and Julian announce the new contest, the Christmas themed Dart Art Contest, as well as their normal NSN festivities!
Send us mail!:
Nerf Socom
PO Box 1774
Monument, CO 80132
United States
To see the rules and to enter the contest, go here:
Will you guys be doing a asrenal
whats your favorite n strike elite gun besides rampage and retaliator?
Do another Arsenal video! Please!
Where’s Mathew? I know he went to Georgia (Because you said it on the Retaliator stress test) but why. I don’t understand how I think on 1 Other News episode you said Julian Adam and Mathew were triplets. If he moved to Georgia, why are you still in Colorado?
Mathew was a friend. There not triplets and they didn’t say why he had to move
Yes Combo videos!! Please put this on Nerf Socom News.
Why don’t you upload very frequently? And what editing software do you use?
Can you Please stress test a longshot with the front gun? I’ve been waiting for a long time. You stress test are some of my favorite episodes.
why didn’t you guy’s get the elite theme’d jolt
why didn’t you guys get the elite theme’d jolt
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