Our Nerf Arsenal – Nerf Socom News 12

In this special holiday episode of Nerf Socom News, Adam and Julian conclude their year with an Arsenal video and announce a wacky new contest!

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PO Box 1774
Monument, CO 80132
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To see the rules and to enter the contest, go here:




  1. Lee Hongjin says:

    I wondered How you get all that money to get so many guns gawd u have no job???

  2. Robbie C. says:

    1. Julian made a veggie sandwich in Bad Idea
    2. Johnson dreamed of LPG dying in the under ground shelter in Johnson’s Hope
    3. Adam and Julian left to start an umbrella business in episode 13
    4. Andrew won rock-paper-scissors against the bad guy he paper covered rock in episode 14
    5. The guy with a recon kept sitting down beside Johnson instead of protecting him and Johnson kept saying what are you doing and get up in episode 15.

  3. brandon lyon says:

    1 veggie via bad idea, 2 bomb shelter via episode 15, 3 to start a unbrella bissness via episode 13 ,4 andrew won paper covers rock against kyle with adam holding the deploy and jullian holding the stamped via epasode 14, it was bret that was garding johnson via episode 15 also since this is correct i have been watching your shows for 4 mounths and from that i made a youtube channel called nerf sitcom it almost eacactly like nerf socom

  4. Matthew E. says:

    How will I submit my answers for the contest

  5. RGNerf says:

    1. Julian made a veggie sandwich in Bad Idea
    2. Johnson dreamed of LPG dying in the underground bomb shelter in Johnson’s hope
    3. Adam and Julian left to start an umbrella business in episode 13
    4. Andrew won rock-paper-sissors against the bad guy by paper covering rock in episode 14
    5. The guard that was protecting Johnson kept sitting down in episode15

  6. Arden says:


  7. YourBestFan #nerfsocomFOREVER says:

    Is the room in your reviews really black or do you use effects on the screen

  8. ryan stark says:

    1 veggie
    2 at the shelter
    3 start a umbrella business
    5 johnson’s guard during episode 15

    just need 1 more

  9. Nicole says:

    Julian made a veggie sandwhich
    Johnson was in the shelter when dreaming
    Adan and Julian left to start a umbrella business
    Adam was sitting down in episode 7 when he was captured
    I know the answers since I watch your channel for 4 years

  10. Roby bland says:

    how do you get the money to buy all nerf guns like how can you a ford like the rino fire or the mega ceurtion

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