Elite Rampage Stress Test

Julian and Matthew are back with the next Stress Test. This time they see how much it will take to break the Elite Rampage. Leave a comment with what gun you would like to see and how you want it to be tested next!



  1. TheNerfCreep153 says:

    Do a car test on either a Vulcan or a retaliator plus the ax test on the Vulcan.

  2. Garv says:

    Can you do a elite cam stress test thanks

  3. Nicky Tang says:

    Demolisher or recon

  4. Jordy Roz says:

    I was also wondering if you could do a retaliator stress test or maybe the longshot CS-6 or CS-12.

  5. Jordy Roz says:

    Hey Nerf Socom,
    I was wondering if you guys were selling some of your nerf guns. You guys have quite the nerf arsenal and I would be interested in buying some,

  6. Sriraam says:

    Could you make a retaliator strees test thanks

  7. can you do a stress test with the revonix 360

  8. vishwanath singh says:

    retaliator mine and julien’s fav

  9. mr.man says:


  10. CmPraisner99 says:

    Kill retalitator

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