Elite Retaliator Stress Test

Matthew and Julian stress test the Nerf Elite Retaliator. See how the blaster stands against water, dropping, cars and more! Leave a kind message for Matthew as he embarks on a grand journey to Georgia!

What gun would you like to see in the next episode? What tests should be done?



  1. Billy says:

    oh never mind I wached the end of vidoe

  2. Billy says:

    Is Matthew moving or vacation

  3. Billy says:

    Noooooo Mathew I’ll miss u u were cool

  4. kulunak says:

    The Stress Test is Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. kulunak says:

    Stess Test the Dart Tag Swarmfire+Batteries in the Blaster!!!

  6. Blade Leader says:

    Aw, Come on . That stinks. We’ll miss you allot. You’ve been a big part in SOCOM. Have fun in your knew home. You should come down some time and make a guest appearance on SOCOM News. It also looks like you guys are using a new camera. You should do a stress test on the speedswarm.

  7. Nerf SOCOM Elite says:

    goodbye matthew, love your stress tests!!!

    safe travels! :(

  8. Richard C. says:

    I want to see a Jolt stress test, but my brother, please don’t find this offensive, wants to see an Adam stress test.

  9. henry says:

    Congrats on what you’ve done Matthew!

  10. jake the nerfer says:

    by Mathew! we will all miss you :(

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