Proton vs Ripshot vs Ricochet Comparison

Julian compares Nerf Vortex Proton, Zombie Strike Ripshot, and Zombie Strike Ricochet.



  1. andrewsawyer says:

    When are you going to do a new arsenal video?
    I am also wondering about setting up a nerf socom group in north carolina.
    Word on the street is the you film these in colorado and I cannot find someone who likes nerf as much as I do. Please consider making side groups.

  2. michael says:

    I forgot to ad it is only at walmart and that when i got it i didn’t realize that

  3. michael says:

    IteHello its me the 10yr old whose fake email is [email protected] (when i say fake i mean I dont have an email) . But i was wondering if you could do a comment on the elite spectere rev-5

  4. Hi says:

    It’s Matthew right??

  5. James says:

    Wow awesome who is back of julian

  6. George says:

    Awsome has julian undergone some sort of transplant?do you reccomend me to get any vortex guns

  7. Oscat says:

    was Adam behind Julian???

    • Adam says:

      I was the cameraman.

      • nerfmaster45 says:

        actually its either Mathew or andrew. the reason why is because one of them was kneeling and one of them has a short arm so im guessing its either both of them so is it one of them?

    • Himhim says:

      Actually Adam will never be behind Julian without having half of his head stucking out there, as that he is taller than Julian. Lemme guess, that must be Matthew because he is about the same height with Julian .

  8. Oscat says:

    are u actually talking to me?if yes that means OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH MMMMaaaaannnnn im a big fan of u!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Oscat says:

    wow nice and 1st COMMENT!!

  10. Adam says:

    Yeah, Julian has some things he’s never told you guys about regarding limb abnormalities.

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