A Weird Fight

Adam and Julian fight for peculiar reasons. All dialog was submitted by viewers for the Finish That Script Contest! It ain’t supposed to make sense!



  1. Richard C. says:

    When Julian got up at the end, it sounded like his pants ripped.

  2. Isaac says:

    The action in this short was my favourite art. If only they made shorts this funny and action packed all the time. I watch this short about 5 times a month. I want to see more of these, lease! Nerf Socom is AWESOME!!!!

  3. Daniel says:

    Okay, everyone even Adam and Julian are going to hate me for this but i didn’t really like this short because I don’t like random stuff like this.

  4. nerf lover says:

    Do you guys already buy some of the rival gun i hear they shoot harder then elite guns

  5. theo says:


  6. theo says:

    do a stres test on the raider

  7. Raad says:

    You are my buddy!

  8. Ryan says:

    LOL I love you guys

  9. nerf girl 24 says:

    that was so funny!!! Nerf Socom rocks!!

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