Video Idea Contest – Nerf Socom News 8

Adam, Julian and Matthew talk about this month’s releases and what to expect next month before announcing the winner for the caption contest! They also read mail, answer questions, and present the next contest!

Video list coming soon!

Send us mail!:

Nerf Socom
PO Box 1774
Monument, CO 80132
United States


To see the rules and to enter the contest, go here:




  1. ian says:

    Is the nerf double strike easy to mod ?

  2. alankdance says:

    If you were to have one nerf gun you could keep forever which one would it be?

  3. vishwanath singh says:

    hey juline i like you a lot and i like your bro also but he dosen’t allow you to speak and i have watched all your vedios 20 times each i will like you to become my friends

  4. vishwanath singh says:

    why was judy shakeing so much in the rewie of the power pair

  5. vishwanath singh says:

    how can i get a dream blaster without contest cause i will never win a contest i know it

    • Delf says:

      If you do not win contests, you do not deserve a dream blaster. Why would people do their best in contests to win a dream blisters if you can get one for free?

      • alanakdance says:

        Yeah you have to try and win. One day you will win so don’t put yourself down. And anyway it’s not fair for you to get one for free and we don’t.

  6. vishwanath singh says:

    what are your ages and do you share your things and i like you guys a lot lot lot i would like become your friend
    and a short is you both decide to share your blasters and later you fight over which blaster you will have for your nerf war

  7. Kole says:

    I entered

  8. willcraft says:

    how can i get a dream blaster without contest cause i will never win a contest i know it

  9. willcraft says:

    Adam Julian fighting over rapid strike and vulcan

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