Elite Series Comparison – Which Should I Get 2014

Julian compares the 2014 N-Strike Elite releases in the new 2014 “Which Should I Get?” series! Stay tuned for the next episode!



  1. AJ Cassin says:

    what is your worse nerf gun and why dose Julian the cool guy dose all of the review

  2. AJ Cassin says:

    what year was your first nerf vedo

  3. Dude man says:

    The Demolisher wins and why is there a rampages drum mag in the left side

  4. caden says:

    Nice vid Julian and you guys should stress test the retaliator.

  5. Ross says:

    finally someone gives a single @#$! about the rhino fire against all the other crap

  6. Noah says:

    I see you swapped out the left drum.

  7. Alex says:

    my favourite gun is the rapidstrike great primary.

  8. Raspberry says:

    Btw I also live in monument CO!!!

  9. Raspberry says:

    Awesome vid guys! I was wondering, have you looked into the airforce blowguns by any chance? They are said to be far superior to nerf and I wanted your opinion on them!

  10. Delf says:

    My opinion: the rhino fire is too big and very expensive. The cam mis WAAAAY over procede for the low quality camera. The rápid strike is just old and the full auto isn’t that handy. The demolisher is and ideal assault rifle and, yes it does jam a little, but the rocket accuracy is compensated by the “splash damage” it does. The demolisher is the winner in my opinion.

    • star says:

      Yes, I think the Demolisher wins, the Rhino fire is too expensive. The Rapidstrike is next, then the Rhino fire, than cam.

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